Wednesday, May 13, 2009

O is for Opera

We're up to the letter 'O' at work for our language group time and so we're doing things that start with the letter 'O'. I want to do opera with the kids and just see how they respond. It might be a flop, but I don't think so. If I present it in a really fun and enthusiastic way... I think it'll blow their minds. So I was looking online for some opera that I could download that would be suitable for children and I found the perfect resource and it's totally free and legal to download.

Check it out.

So I'm kind of excited! Just deciding what pieces to use...

Ah and while I was youtubing 'opera' - I found this and it makes me smile. I like The Marriage of Figaro and this opening scene is all kinds of yay. :)




  1. Hahahaha... I read that entire post as 'Oprah' not 'Opera' and thinking you're nuts, the kids will never get it.. :D

  2. I recently made a similar mistake but with Oprah's name instead. :)

  3. bahaha XD
    Jason, I'm just imagining what was going through your head as you read this... It made me laugh.

    The first time I read the Book of Ruth I read Naomi's other daughter in law to be Oprah (as opposed to Orpah)... It's quite strange to think of Oprah as an Old Testament figure... and I'm sure I actually visualised Oprah as I read XD

  4. I have such awesome friends.



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