Saturday, May 2, 2009


A friend of mine is blogging about intutition and emotions/feelings being the way women think and make decisions. It made me smile. The song lyrics below, for me illustrates the unsubstantial matter that emotions are sometimes made from.

My trouble with everything always is nothing's just right
Just to figure out nothing could keep you awake half the night

The niggling sense that things are not 'just right'... for me usually signals a greater underlying turbulance. I meet that with either music, painting, writing or something like that to express/explore/expunge that feeling but most times it doesn't help. Instead now I take my hurts and disappointments to God. I don't know if there is any other true balm out there beyond God. I haven't found a better one.

Things are not just right...

But it's just the way you are you don't have to be afraid
The way you look at the stars and how you think that they were made
The motion will never stop turning the night into the day
You've gone away enough when will you decide to stay

I like the above lines... When will I decide to stay? I long to be consistantly devoted to God. To rely on him and not be afraid and know that he has everything under his control and is always seeking to bring me closer to him - if only I'd stay; abide in him.

I have to get ready to go. My Saturdays are once again filled with ministry and I'm glad to be of service. I don't like to be idle. Meow.


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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)