Monday, May 25, 2009

Living In A Tree

I have some really awesome friends. For serious. Kat just sent me this song. I heart it so much.

Priscilla Ahn - Living In A Tree

Today I talked to my small group about where paper comes from - trees. <3 I did this because we are doing the whole 'reduce, reuse, recycle' thing in our room with the children because they are tending to go through a lot of paper, without a thought to using it carefully. So we're talking to them about drawing on both sides of the paper, saving scrap paper and recycling the paper that can't be used or saved. It's encouraging to see them using the language and thinking about recycling. One girl this evening was putting our staff recycling in the big blue paper recycling bin when she noticed that only one side of the paper had been printed on, so she said we should save it for drawing on. I love this girl. She is my golden child and for her to say that, I could have cried. *laughs* I was so proud of her.

So it's small, but it's really really good.

I showed them pictures from a book Jason gave me for my birthday called "If Trees Could Speak" about trees from around Australia. I showed them eucalypts that are golden in the sunset and had them admire their beauty, so they could link in what they're doing with what they're saving. I know eucalypts aren't really used for paper-making, but it's the principle. Trees are beautiful, don't make us cut them down needlessly.

My kids at group times today too were really pretty good. I used to despair of getting them all to focus at one time in order to do anything with them, but now it's a lot easier and I'm a lot more confident. We made the letter Q with play dough... all eight of us; us three year olds. And I was just going to do the big Q but they really wanted to do the little one too... ^_^ Go for it. :)

I enjoyed hanging out with the kids this afternoon making things with the Mobilo. I often don't just sit down and play Mobilo with them, but I got down and was asking them to show me things and I showed them things and gave them ideas. I find it really funny that when girls play Mobilo they often make their cars into gender specific toys so that they can play "mums and dads" still. Like "I'm the baby car, you can be the mummy car". <3 Funny kids.

Anyway. :)

Trees are beautiful.



  1. My Dad tells this story, can't remember who it's about, of a little girl whose parents were determined to give her gender neutral toys. They bought her a train set and she wrapped the engine up in a blanket and said it was a baby.

  2. Or the mother who gave their boys barbie dolls, and they ran around using them as guns...

  3. Fweeeee~ That is hilarious! I'm picturing it right now!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)