Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Say It (Over And Over Again)

Ah... I had such a beautiful day. I'm totally loving being in the preschool room. I actually have 'authority', I'm not a floater... having to duck into various rooms depending on lunch breaks or programming times. I get to stay with my children the whole time. I even get to PLAN lessons for my children! Today we did a music experience in our small group time using a song I learnt at Uni with repetitive lyrics and a very distinctive beat. I'm going to keep teaching it to them and watch them develop that sort of musical sense. I think they could hear it in the way I sung it and we used a bean bag to pass on the beat, which helped. It was funny to hear a couple of kids singing the song to themselves during lunch. Kids get songs stuck in their heads like adults.

The lyrics of the song goes something like this "mal mal mal, kala-may-go, kala-may-go, "ka-lum-bus, ka-lum-bus". I sung it how I remembered it, so it's not entirely accurate to the original language the song is in (don't ask me what that is).

Anyway, I'm in the mood for Coltrane. That's quite rare... the muted tones of his sax don't always sit well with me. I need to be uber chilled out to listen to it. I found a nice little tribute to Coltrane on youtube playing this song in his style. I hope you enjoy it.

Say It - Stefano Cocco Cantini Quartet (Coltrane cover)

I got a really special belated Christmas present from David a few days back of some records... Keith Green ones... :) I'm just sitting back and imagining how wonderful it will be when I have a record player and can put KG on or other music (jazz in particular) on. There is something awesome about records... I like the fact I can see the music spinning. It's not a stereo or CD or computer speaker. It's right there and I can see it all working.

I'm having an early night tonight.

Bon nuit tout le monde...

~le petit chaton

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