Friday, July 10, 2009

Skinny Love

So I haven't blogged this song... it's one that is worthy. I've had such a full on night. I love love. I love it. I think it's fantastic. When you have it you're a king. When you give it, you're giving treasures. When you receive it, you are blessed. When you accept it, you accept that you're loveable. When you accept it, you are taking with it pieces of the other person's self - their vulnerable inner-most important self that is precious and (so often) locked up. Love breaks in. I had a conversation with my mum on the phone tonight and there was love despite all the stuff that hurt. Love, vulnerability, reality... I want to live there all the time. It's like living without holding back... it's trusting the other person with the stuff that makes up you really. Not just the details about your day, but the details about how you're really doing. Like today was great, but I'm not so great (though I'll be fine).

So you'll not know unless I let you in and let you know... but how do we get to that point in the conversation? How will I know that it's safe to push the conversation into those deep, heavy waters? Old friends can do it with ease and I love it. I prefer that kind of friendship over any other kind. If I can't pour out my heart to you and be that open, then I wonder at how long we will remain friends. All my friends tend to be that kind of people - wonderful, caring, open, loving, genuine. I'm lucky to have those that I do.

And I love our love and all that it's becoming.

Bon Iver - Skinny Love

Apparently, the name, Bon Iver, is a corruption of the French "bon hiver" (good winter). [ref]. I like that. The above photo is of Paris in Winter by a photographer I have followed for years on LJ.
I like his work.



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