Saturday, July 18, 2009

Literary-Inspired Outpouring & The Beatles - Rock Band (game)

I'm torn in a hundred different directions. The world is full of things that are worthy of my attention and time and care. I'm not dividing myself up properly. Today I spent a few hours reading The Dragon Keeper, a new book by Robin Hobb. I adore her writing and I'm squeeing over hints and snatches of old characters in this new series. Brashen, Althea and they have a son! Paragon and Selden and Malta and Reyn. I want to absorb all that I can about each person and find out how their lives are faring.

I suppose it's silly... but that's how it is. In these new adventures and challenges, my own world around me is brightened and given new purpose and delight. I catch the excitement of travelling from them and wonder how I can fill my life with things that are from different countries and cultures around me. I wonder at how I spend my time and wonder at why I don't spend time learning/using my French more. Or why I don't paint more, or read more, or keep up with new art and old art and fill my world with beauty. I remember the Fool and his room in the tower at Buckkeep. Why should life be rushed and devoid of those things which are beautiful?

At most I can keep my room tidy... but where is the time for beauty? There is a new shop in Redfern, on Redfern St even, that I walked into this afternoon. It was incredible. So many beautiful antiques. Things made from wood, huge sea shells, metal buckets with soft flowers growing in them, and candles - tall ones and hidden ones inside glass sconces. The shelves went right up to the tall ceiling and the room was cool and dark but also warm and inviting. You looked around and everything delighted the eyes. Everything was also expensive, but we'll overlook that.

I'm tired... my delight is worn down. I delight in you, Tomothy, and in my books and in my work, which is hard at times but very rewarding. But I want to delight in life and all that life offers. I want to fill my life with wonderful things... I don't want to spend lots of money, and I know you don't need to. I just want to make a start. If I think about it, I'm sure I can come up with a number of inexpensive ways of decorating my room or filling my time and thoughts with beautiful things.

Is it silly? I used to dream like this a lot. My old place in Stanmore was a haven in a way for these kinds of dreams. I don't like having bare walls. Aren't I an artist? A poet? A lover of music and nature and colour? haha Can't I do better than what I'm currently doing?

I miss Fitz. I'd forgotten that Paragon was shaped after Fitz's face by Amber... ah Miss Amber. I remember the exact moment when I realised you were the Fool. Once I made the connection, and realised you were in the second series, just under a new name and persona... I think I died a little from joy.

What I really should be doing though is not neglecting my responsibilities to friends and family. I could definately do better there. But people are hard and I sometimes prefer books and art and impersonal things like trees and clouds. It's selfishness and rudeness but that's how it goes.

In a completely different vein, I was wandering around Kiwibox and read an article about a new game to be soon released. The Beatles: Rock Band. I want to get it! It looks like an incredible lot of fun. :D :D :D

The Beatles - Rock Band (game)

Anyway. This is just me grasping for things which I'm sure I'm losing touch with. It's always a constant battle. I remember in high school I swam so easily and confidently in the world of art and music and nature and colour. I filled my time with it because classes involved those things and my friends and I talked about those things daily and I had a blog then and I was always remodelling it and thinking about design and colour and taking photographs. Gah. Times are hard now because there is less time.




  1. I know what you mean. I feel like since I finished honours I've kind of put art to one side while I get on with the rest of my life.

    I haven't made anything new and I haven't really though seriously about making work either. My holidays are almost over now though and I can't see myself getting a lot done during the semester.

    Maybe we could go to that exhibition at Artspace some time?

  2. I'd forgotten about that Artspace gig. I'd love to do it. Maybe Wednesday?

    Anyway... talk to you about it later. :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)