Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday's Gone

I like the breathy tones in this song...

Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan - Saturday's Gone

I feel kind of hazy this morning. A lot less sick though, which is surprising and welcome. I have a lot of cleaning to do and laundry and I really would prefer to vegetate. Listen to music and sit and listen to music again.

Today will be good though. I have finished my reports (mostly, haha) and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. When I go into work tomorrow (hahaha, yeah, I really want to) I want to get all the other things done. Get ready for the new program, get my head around having those new children moving up, sort out thing for the week ahead. It feels more like tidy up rather than workworkwork. I love tidy up, where you can put everything away to their proper place and have everything fresh and clean. (epiphany!) I think I've been this way since I was at least 5 years old. :P I used to love cleaning my room as a kid and got a massive kick out of having a tidy room with everything in it's place. :P Wow. Insights into the depth of my crazy behaviour....




P.S. The Pastels are very pretty this morning. I like the violin in 'Leaving This Island'. :)


  1. You can come over and clean my room if you like since you enjoy it so much!

    I like the song too, but is that a surprise?

  2. *laughs* not a surprise at all.

    And really? Can I? Don't tease a girl. :P

  3. Saturday will really be gone in another 18 minutes! It was nice to see you tonight, although I am a little disappointed you haven't started on my room yet.

  4. :)

    As am I! How could you let me forget...

  5. Love the song Cat (wrote Kat the first time- whoops), its so pretty!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)