Wednesday, September 9, 2009

(500) Days Of Summer

I saw (500) Days Of Summer tonight with Kat... and I loved the soundtrack. This Regina song hit me where I lived. Especially the line, "I'm the hero of this story I don't need to be saved"...

Regina Spektor - Hero

The scene in the movie where You Make My Dreams Come True was used cracked me up! Love, love, love! It shows the main character (also named Tom) dancing to work after having got the girl. :) I remember when I first started dating Tom life was seriously just that golden and glorious! haha I remember when walking felt like dancing and I was constantly singing/humming/whistling "Good Day Sunshine". Bliss!

Hall & Oates - You Make My Dreams Come True

Today was pretty fantastic. I bought Paul Dempsey's new album and bought The Beatles Rock Band for Guitar Hero. Then met up with Tom and we went to his Shakespeare lecture. :) Afterwards I had an afternoon that makes me laugh to reflect on it. Tom and I climbed a tree in Victoria Park, splashed seagulls while eating lunch on the grass, listened to Shelter In The Storm on my iPod while walking around Central station, bumped into an art gallery in China Town, drank coffee in a Starbucks... Action packed.

You make me happy. :)




  1. You changed your blog layout! This one is more twee than the other one, made me laugh.

    I hadn't heard that Regina song before! I think I like it.

    Hall and Oates are lol. (You are heart)

  2. lol It is more twee isn't it? :D Plaid... win!
    It's a preset though, so it's still not 'home' but it'll do.

    Yeah, new (but old) Regina is very welcome.

    We are heart.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)