Coltrane - Wise One
While I was in a semi-dream state this morning (Wednesday sleep-in bliss) I mentally blogged about things I would learn from last night. I can't really remember what I said now though. Things the list may have included:
1. Think before I speak
2. Be less defensive/emotionally invested in conversation topics
3. What may be funny to you, may only be funny to you. :P
Well, I only really had the first two things from the dream and the third is an after thought, post-slumber. But I don't see the benefit in getting upset if I can learn from mistakes. It'll be good to try at least, I'm a massive fan of trying now. I'm not going to wait until I'm an expert and perfect at everything before I attempt it as I previously have approached life.
But I have a room to tidy, a pirate flag to buy (I told my shadow that the pirates were coming on Thursday! lol), a Shakespeare lecture to attend with my beau, and dinner to have with friends. It's going to be a good day.
A bientot,
"A word to the wise is sufficient"
Pirates :)