Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Old Pictures, Old Friends

It's been a week since I painted and I want to paint something else now...

Something For Kate, Paul Dempsey, Old Pictures... Sometimes I want to paint/draw pictures for songs that are amazing. This song makes me picture a person driving down a lonely highway, looking out the side window as he releases photos/paper to be swept away by the speed and breeze. You can't see the pictures land on the ground, though of course they do. They're somehow caught in this tense moment of release... Begging the speed to be enough to take away the memories, the connection, the pain of all that it was without actually having to see them completely disappear or be entirely responsible that they've been left behind.

Something For Kate - Old Pictures

I love the line "I remembered you on trains, so now you're on every train I hear".

It's a bit like that. The futility of it... the crazy desire to just be near that person again, to the point of mentally reaching out to them even if they can't see them and they're probably not even there. The small chance is enough to create a big enough shadow to be cherished. I used to look for [you] on trains, in the city, on the street near UTS and USYD but I never saw [you] again.

The love the merry-go-round tune the song starts with.

Anyway, a lot of people I've come across are not terribly thrilled by Something For Kate. That's their choice, but how could they not see something of value in these laden lyrics?



P.S. Photos of a walk home in 2003 when I was living in Seven Hills.

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