I have been really enjoying reading the bible on my way to work. I'm reading through 2 Chronicles at the moment and it's really instructive looking at the lives of so many past kings of Israel/Judea in such a condensed way. The distinction is so clear, follow God and you will prosper and live, serve other Gods and it's over. You wonder how can they possibly keep making the same mistakes? I wonder until I look at my own life. It's so easy to forget God's proper place and like friends, neglect him. In the end, I have to stand before God and account for all that I've done.
I like Saturdays. I like taking time out and being still before God. It seems as soon as I am still, I am comforted by God and know his presence. And strength returns to me to help me continue in the face of some real challenges that I'm facing... and joy fills my heart as I recognise God moving in my life. I have taken less to listening to music and more to allowing my mind to rest in the love and knowledge of God. I enjoy too listening to hymns and other Christian music, though most of what I own are hymns. :) I'm glad it's Sunday tomorrow... it's nice to look forward to church.
This is one hymn that I love.
Chris Tomlin - Take My Life
I don't know how this blog will look in the upcoming months. I'm not really inspired to write every day and share music in the same way. I feel as if I already have enough on my plate. *laughs* We'll see, I guess.
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