Sunday, June 7, 2009

Keep Breathing - Taking A Break

I am so very lucky. Or more accurately, blessed. I woke wanting so much to spend time with God and thought I couldn't because I had a few errands to take care of, but I then realised I could do them later in the day and it would be better/easier if I did it then. *happy dance* So I got to spend a good hour and half reading and praying and I'm glad. I'm learning more and more to rely on God and come to him in my troubles, where I used to hide or burry myself in the idea that I couldn't go to God because I wasn't good enough to be listened to by him. This change has made a big impact on how I tackle life and I'm grateful for the encouragement of friends in getting to this point. I know I have a long way to go still and will need you all in keeping on going.

I like giving God 'thank offerings'. Like, "I'm so glad for how you're blessing and helping me, I want to give you something in return." It's the best kind of response to God's goodness. One time I asked God what I could give him and he asked for something I held very close to my heart, my music (the illegally downloaded stuff anyway) and this time I'd like to give him my time, the time I'd ususally spend here with my blog. I like giving things that I know are both beneficial to myself and my relationship with God, but require sacrifice on my part. I can see this blog becoming something that takes priority over God at times and I don't think that's right. haha

I was listening to this song this morning and I like this line. I don't like the almost helpless tone of the song, but I take it as a spur to encourage me to seek more than this. I love that my life has more purpose and strength and power behind it than myself and that I can change the world (not on my own on my own strength though). I do believe in something more and I want to live in that belief.

I want to change the world... instead I sleep.
I want to believe in more than you and me.

Ingrid Michaelson - Keep Breathing



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