Monday, January 19, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I watched Slumdog Millionaire with Aisha last night. It was a lot of fun. Great movie, great soundtrack. Afterwards I had random Bollywood tracks in my head. :P We listened to them in the car on the drive back to my place. During high school I wanted to be Indian. :P I dig the culture...

Let's see if this new widget works....

And in the world of other-ness. I did some music blog hunting and found this one:


The guy posts records from a music scene that I heart. A lot of SOUNDSVILLE music, actually. I'm sure downloading this isn't 100% legal but how does one buy this music anyhow? (Without hunting op shops to death) I downloaded "Steve Kuhn - Steve Kuhn Buddah BDS-5098 (1971)" and it is awesome.

~Le petit chaton


  1. Bonjour Le Petit Chaton,

    that Quimsy link makes my collection of records look like a box of ABBA lp's :(
    A lot of those records would be "rare as rocking horse poo". You have opened up another musical door for yourself. Enjoy!

    Prof Fez

  2. hahaha ABBA. No way man. That would be saying SOUNDSVILLE is ABBA! But yeah, this stuff looks rare and awesome.

    Thanks for opening the door to getting into this kind of music. I miss Cafe Lounge. It's been ages though... think how far I've come since then. lol Thanks to Soundsville and Torrents of Sound. :)

    ~Le petit, gris chaton


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)