And Tom. :) I'm continually surprised by him. There is just so much love here, it's wonderful. He has encouraged and strengthened me to grow in ways I never would have without him. I am lifted up. I'm really satisfied with where life is heading. I have been longing for a firm foundation in God to stand on for years and I feel it forming for the first time. It's beyond exciting. I love the support I get from my new church, the community and the love I get from Tom. Having the independance to explore my relationship with God with what I already know and without the burdens of not being good 'enough' or doing 'enough' has been really helpful.
I am so proud of myself for sticking this year out. It was so hard at work at times but the satisfaction I now feel for making it and even doing a good job at times makes it worthwhile. And the growth I see in the children and the relationships I've been able to form with parents for the support of their children. My job is so rewarding... for all it takes out, it gives back so beautifully and in ways I could never receive any other way. You can't buy the love of these children, the laughter and good times. :) I think they know I heart them.
I'm worried about this trip though. So worried I can't think clearly. Apparently worry and stress will do that to you. Reflecting on all that I have done and can do is helpful though. Maybe that's why the psalms are full of that... when times are hard, remind yourself of God's amazing power by reflecting on all that he has done for his people. I'm not going to trust in my own strength to get through this, because that's only good for so much... and I'm going to need a lot more to deal with some of the family dramas that I forsee happening. I'm going to need some more help so as I pack, I'm going to pack while listening to hymns and trusting/ reflecting on God's ability to take care of me and my family. How many times did God's people forget and try to do things on their own strength? It's a hard lesson to learn...
Tom and I went to a Nine Lessons and Carols service at church tonight, quite an Anglican service format but it wasn't so traditional. One hymn that I loved, I want to share now. I couldn't find an amazing, polished copy of it on YouTube but this might do... it's simple and kinda neat for that.
W.Y. Fullerton (1857-1932) I Cannot Tell